
Zihui Zhao     pronounced as Zǐ-huì

Office: Krieger 303
Email: zhaozh [at] jhu [dot] edu


I am an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Department of Mathematics of Johns Hopkins University, starting from 2023.

I was an NSF Postdoc and L.E. Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago since August 2019. My mentor was Prof. Carlos Kenig.

From September 2018 to July 2019, I was a member at the Institute for Advanced Study during the Sepcial Year on Variational Methods in Geometry . My mentor was Prof. Camillo De Lellis .

In June 2018 I graduated from the University of Washington, and my advisor was Prof. Tatiana Toro.

You can find my CV here .


Broadly speaking my work lies in the intersection of Geometric Measure Theory, Geometric Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, and PDEs.

I work on regularity problems of elliptic PDEs and generalized minimal submanifolds. In particular I am interested in the regularity of area-minimizing currents; unique continuation problems; the properties of the harmonic and elliptic measures and their relations to elliptic boundary value problem.

If none of these jargons make any sense to you, here is a non technical explanation of my field of research!


A complete list of my preprints can also be viewed on my arXiv page.

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